
how to change your profile url

Facebook gives url for profiles like this

Now you can change your profiles url like this

IF YOU Want to change username(url)? Read further…

1.) Sign into your Facebook account.

2.) Go to Facebook URL/username changing page

3.) Type the username you want for your profile, check if its available. If it’s available click on create. Alternatively you can select any of the usernames that Facebook suggests. Choose an username carefully!

4.) Click on Confirm. Think twice before clicking on this button! You will not be able to change your username later!

And do not worry! Even your older profile URL / username will redirect to your new profile URL / username! Now you have your own unique and easy to remember Facebook username. Enjoy the new username!

how to change fb page url

create a custom URL for your Facebookpage but wish you had chosen differently? Previously, Facebook page admins were stuck with the URL they chose when setting up the page. Facebook announced today that page admins now have the ability to change the URL for their page, but there is a catch - you can only change it once.

To make the change, go to the top of your Page by the Admin Panel and click Edit Page > Update Info > Basic Information > Change Username. Since this is your one shot to make a change, make sure you choose a URL that is easy to remember and best reflects your business name so customers can easily find you on Facebook.

Remember, once you have changed your username/URL, your old one will not work so keep this in mind if you already have already distributed any materials with your Facebook address pre-printed. Also make sure you update any Facebook links on your website.

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